Tina Liu

My name is Tina Liu and I am a student research assistant for the C3G Natural History Study team. I work with clinical input, observing the patterns of this ultrarare kidney disease throughout our patients' lives. I'm majoring in Chemistry on the pre-medicine track and pursuing minors in Anthropology and Environmental Chemical Sciences. I love traveling, especially in the mountains, and enjoy long scenic hikes. I also love a good trail run and podcast – my all-time favorite and top recommendation is the Huberman Lab!

Lauren Fergus

My name is Lauren Fergus, and I am the lead student research assistant for the C3G Natural History Study Student Team. I assist with everything from modeling complement biomarker trends, collecting data on our patients , and preparing my own research projects. I am pursuing undergraduate degrees in Biomedical Sciences and Microbiology, as well as a certificate in Clinical and Translational Sciences. I am applying to medical school and will be exploring future opportunities in conducting translational research.

Clayton Riggleman

I am an undergraduate that primarily focuses on general lab maintenance. I also assist the Clinical Genetic Renal Team by measuring our weekly patient samples and organizing them for future testing. Additionally, I work with the Renal Research Team in learning new approaches for Factor-H and Factor-H-related proteins. Outside of the laboratory, I am a student following the dual-degree program for Healthcare Sciences and Human Relations.


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